

Olympic Seafood develops krill vessel for eco-initiative

Norwegian krill ingredient company Olympic Seafood has launched what is dubbing its "eco-collecting" initiative.The main goal of this new initiative is to ensure krill harvesting does not negatively affect the ecosystem.As part of the initiative, Olympic Seafood has developed a new krill vessel, Juvel, for "low emissions, low energy use and low climate impact".It uses acoustic sonar technology to pinpoint the exact location of the krill, which enables short trawl times and accurate collection. In addition, Juvel collects data and reports wildlife sightings and other observations to various research institutions.Olympic said the eco-collecting approach follows strict guidelines for krill fisheries in the Antarctic waters set out by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).CCAMLR monitors and controls all krill fishing activity in the Antarctic with a system of independent on-board observers who are always present to ensure compliance.Eco-collecting is described as having complete 100% traceability of the krill and is certified by Friend of the Sea.

By Undercurrent News | March 14, 2013 09:19 GMT

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