

New England climate change study delayed after NMFS shares fishery concerns

The loss of availability of a fully-equipped research vessel is the reason the scientists gave for the delay of their study in the US New England region

By Undercurrent News | Aug. 21, 2024 13:28 BST
Marine heat waves in the North Atlantic are impacting species like lobster and shrimp, notes a recent report by the Marine Stewardship Council. Photo from Undercurrent News archives

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New England climate change study delayed after NMFS shares fishery concerns

The loss of availability of a fully-equipped research vessel is the reason the scientists gave for the delay of their study in the US New England region

By Undercurrent News | Aug. 21, 2024 13:28 BST
Marine heat waves in the North Atlantic are impacting species like lobster and shrimp, notes a recent report by the Marine Stewardship Council. Photo from Undercurrent News archives

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