

Drone evidence lands conviction for lobster trap tampering in Canada

The DFO has been using drones to monitor several fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence since 2021, but this is the first time the footage has been used in a court case in that region

By Undercurrent News | Nov. 27, 2024 13:44 GMT
Credit: CA Irene Lorenz/Shutterstock.com
Credit: CA Irene Lorenz/Shutterstock.com

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North America

Drone evidence lands conviction for lobster trap tampering in Canada

The DFO has been using drones to monitor several fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence since 2021, but this is the first time the footage has been used in a court case in that region

By Undercurrent News | Nov. 27, 2024 13:44 GMT
Credit: CA Irene Lorenz/Shutterstock.com
Credit: CA Irene Lorenz/Shutterstock.com

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