UK retailers to give mackerel, herring three years to win back MSC
'If at the end of the three years there's no progress with the FIP, individual companies will make their decisions' regarding whether or not to stop purchasing, said NAPA
Denmark’s Aller Aqua stocks up on MSC fishmeal ahead of blue whiting suspension
The aquafeed producer had planned for a loss of blue whiting's MSC and stocked up, but warned if fishery management did not improve it would have to 'import from far-away producers'
Substitutions, price swings, feed impacts; North Atlantic pelagics lose MSC
Pressure on MSC-certified North Sea herring prices; feed makers in search of alternatives; processors to give up their certified portfolios -- what's the fallout from the AS herring and blue whiting loss of MSC?
Skretting throws support behind blue whiting fishery as MSC suspends certificate
The feed firm stressed the MSC certificate has been suspended, not withdrawn, and revealed an action group has gained observer status to sit in on fishery negotiations
MSC certificates to be suspended for all Atlanto-Scandic herring, blue whiting fisheries
The independent assessors responsible for certifying fisheries announced Atlanto-Scandian herring and blue whiting fisheries will be suspended from the program on Dec. 30, 2020
Iceland, Faroe Islands renew fisheries agreement
Iceland and the Faroe Islands reached an agreement on fishing rights within Icelandic jurisdiction for next year, on mutual access to herring and blue whiting
Coastal states agree northeast Atlantic pelagic quotas in line with ICES
The agreements were made by Norway, the EU, the Faroes, Iceland and the UK, with Russia involved in the herring quota, and Greenland merely an observer to herring and blue whiting
Northeast Atlantic herring prices likely to drop in 2021
Supply should be up, and the stock still runs the risk of losing MSC certification; an issue which also stands to impact prices for blue whiting and fishmeal and oil
SFP reports dip in volumes from ‘reasonably well-managed’ fisheries
A new report by Sustainable Fisheries Partnership finds overall sustainability performance in the reduction fisheries sector has continued to decrease slightly since 2018
MSC reminds coastal states they risk losing herring certificate by 2021
The annual meeting of the Northeast Atlantic coastal states needs to wield some kind of progress, or four Atlanto-Scandic herring fisheries face losing MSC