Mackerel prices to climb from all-time high; herring may have reached bottom
Norwegian pelagics sector expects mackerel first-hand prices to keep climbing in 2019, while there's optimism herring may have reached its low point
Norwegian herring catches remain a little slow, still no capelin luck for Iceland
Year-on-year Norwegian catches of Atlanto-Scandic herring are down as catching remains moderate at best; Iceland is out surveying capelin once more
Weather slows Norwegian herring landings, further delays Icelandic capelin survey
Norway saw variable herring landings in week four of 2019, and expects that to continue given rough weather; still no capelin quota for Iceland
Hard Brexit could spell ‘death knell’ for Irish fishing industry, says KFO chief
The creation of hard borders between the UK and Ireland in the event of a no-deal Brexit would deprive the Irish fishing industry of just under 30% of its total revenue
Pelagia, TripleNine end Norsildmel sales cooperation
Norwegian and Danish fishmeal companies Pelagia and TripleNine have ended joint sales cooperation through their joint venture trading company Norsildmel
NGO denounces Norway-EU fisheries deal for taking no action against overfishing
According to Our Fish, of the 16 fishing quotas set in the deal, only two were in line with recommended scientific advice
Norway, Iceland wind down pelagic fishing for 2018
Norway reports falling volumes of herring -- at decreasing sizes -- while Icelandic firm SVN's vessels return to port for the Christmas break
Norway secures blue whiting quota in EU waters, agrees North Sea cuts
Norway and the EU have come an agreement on blue whiting, herring, and various North Sea fishing arrangements
World’s largest fishing vessel collects new pelagics trawl
The Annelies Ilena stopped off in the Faroe Islands to land 3,700t of blue whiting and to collect its new 2,300m trawl from Vonin
Norway dodges missiles, ups herring landings; Iceland moves on to blue whiting
Norway saw very strong Atlanto-Scandic herring catches in week 46, while in week 47 fishing in certain waters was affected by Russian military drills