Coho salmon April 13, 2018 5:25 PM
Fishing council sets US West Coast salmon fishing seasons

Commercial fishing for Chinook and coho salmon stocks on the US West Coast will be limited when fishing seasons open this summer, the Pacific Fishery Management Council said

Sustainability April 13, 2018 5:03 PM
US lawmaker rekindles talk of moving NOAA endangered species power to Interior

By Jason Huffman

US representative Doug Lamborn suggested taking another look at representative Ken Calvert's FISH Act during a hearing to discuss NOAA's 2019 budget

Sustainability April 2, 2018 3:36 PM
West Coast lawmakers want fishery disaster funds allocated

A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers from US West Coast states want the Department of Commerce to allocate funds for fishery disasters

Fishing March 27, 2018 5:56 PM
ADF&G forecast: 37.6m sockeye to be caught in Bristol Bay

By Jason Smith

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game estimates that the Bristol Bay run will range from 40.7 million to 61.9m sockeye and includes an escapement goal of 12.2m fish

North America March 16, 2018 12:47 PM
Concerns about Pacific blob loom as Canada’s DFO sets salmon plans

The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans remains particularly concerned about the chinook and sockeye species off the coast of British Columbia

Companies March 1, 2018 9:56 AM
NZ King Salmon warns hot summer survival rates will hit H2 results  

By Tom Seaman

New Zealand King Salmon reported record profitability for the first half of its current financial year, but warned second half will be impacted by survival rates 

Oceania Feb. 15, 2018 9:34 PM
Potential new aquaculture site in NZ dealt blow by feasibility tests

By Neil Ramsden

Salmon farms have not been ruled out for the Southland and Port Pegasus area, but initial feasibility studies have shown the area may not be as productive as first thought

Chinook salmon Feb. 14, 2018 9:56 AM
Panel recommends three of possible six NZ King Salmon sites be relocated

The New Zealand company is hoping the relocation of its sites from 'low-flow' to 'high-flow' areas can boost productivity and be better for the environment

Oceania Feb. 12, 2018 9:46 AM
NZ King Salmon boss eyes doubled volumes; feels battle for perception ‘being won’

By Neil Ramsden

World's largest producer of king salmon could -- if it is able to relocate six sites -- roughly double production to 24,000t, says CEO

Salmonid Feb. 9, 2018 9:21 AM
Kids’ products, pet food and 20kg+ salmon: NZ King’s ‘untraditional opportunities’

By Neil Ramsden

CEO Grant Rosewarne explains to Undercurrent News why NPD at his firm faces an uphill battle to reach market, compared to other, more lucrative, potential products

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