Processing July 21, 2023 9:57 AM
Chinese wild salmon processor sees uptick in international orders

By Lewis Hu

Chinese salmon processors have seen a rebound in export orders since July after a sluggish first half of 2023

North America July 20, 2023 4:07 PM
Bristol Bay fishermen, community jeer sockeye base prices

By Daniel Hilliard

'Some will end up losing money. Many are frustrated that they could have made better use of their summer' -- Andy Wink, Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association executive director

Salmonid July 19, 2023 1:18 PM
Alaska sockeye harvest levels off as prices plunge

By Daniel Hilliard

'Many headed for the beach to put their boats away when they heard the price news' -- Andy Wink, executive director of the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association

Salmonid July 17, 2023 9:16 PM
Peter Pan tacks late-season bonus onto slumping sockeye base prices

By Daniel Hilliard

Bonus to aid harvesters in down year for sockeye pricing 

Downstream July 12, 2023 4:50 PM
Alaska sockeye run hits halfway point; Chinook trollers celebrate salvaged season

Half of the statewide sockeye run has been caught, totaling 60,501 metric tons. That's only down about 5% from the bumper haul in 2022 despite a lower 2023 forecast

Prices July 11, 2023 2:26 PM
Alaska’s Bristol Bay crosses peak of salmon run with 21.5m sockeye, pricing still unclear 

By Elizabeth Earl

Alaska's Bristol Bay sockeye salmon season is well underway, with more than half of the forecasted harvest already landed

Supply July 7, 2023 5:42 PM
Bristol Bay sockeye running as forecasted, older fish numbers up

The 2023 sockeye forecast for Alaska's Bristol Bay fishery appears to have been right on the nose volume-wise, though more older fish than expected are returning

Policy July 6, 2023 4:47 PM
Alaska seafood marketing group invites setnetters to vote on membership

Setnetters in the massive Bristol Bay, Alaska, fishery will have an opportunity to vote this fall to join the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association

North America July 5, 2023 4:06 PM
Sockeye, Chinook pull down total Alaska salmon harvest in week 26

By Daniel Hilliard

Reduced landings of Alaskan sockeye and Chinook salmon in statistical week 26 (ended July 1) has the overall harvest down by 19% in the state so far this year

Supply June 28, 2023 5:12 PM
Alaska salmon harvest normalizes, sockeye remain big question mark

Alaska's commercial salmon harvest as of Week 25 (ended June 24) is about on par with the equivalent week in 2022, excepting significant year-on-year sockeye volumes

(1589 results)

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