Siam Canadian: US currently ‘only game in town’ in shrimp
The US is looking like being the dominant shrimp buying force, at least for now, with weak currencies and a slower development of the Chinese economy, sources say
Shrimp raceway pioneer joins Ralco Aquaculture
Ralco announce hire of Addison Lawrence as chief technical officer, after licensing the technology he created for super-intensive shrimp farming
Dive in shrimp prices means India will miss $6bn export target
Although vannamei export volumes have increased in the first ten month of the country's financial year, prices fell substantially in the second half of 2014
Thai winners in 2014 benefit from low tuna prices, losers suffer from EMS
Lower tuna raw material prices and better selling prices meant some Thai processors won on canning, but others took big hits on continuing shrimp shortage due to EMS
Shrimp prices in US market seen flat to lower for 2015
Shrimp prices in the US market could be flat to lower this year amid expected global production growth and continued lackluster demand in the US
Ecuador to launch shrimp marketing campaign at Boston trade show
Ecuador will promote the campaign 'First Class Shrimp' in the international exhibition Seafood Expo North America
Lower shrimp prices could spark US retail demand rebound
Retail demand for shrimp could get a boost in 2015 as prices have dropped in recent months
Analysts expect more CP Foods shrimp losses on slow Thai recovery
Deeper losses in Turkey, and slower-than-expected Thai shrimp recovery, saw Bualuang Securities drop their earnings forecast for CP Foods by 18% for 2015
UPDATED: Dipasena’s return to growth could see Indonesia become top shrimp producer in world
Dipasena shrimp pond, run by a cooperative of farmers, has potential to produce 25 metric tons per month; contributing to a national 785,900t in 2015
Vietnam US seafood sales dive
Export revenue to US market down 36.77% y-o-y, according to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development