Coronavirus March 5, 2020 8:15 AM
Infofish postpones Bangkok tuna conference over coronavirus spread

The conference -- which is held in Bangkok, Thailand every two years -- was supposed to be run, May 27-29, and chaired by Tri Marine International veteran Phil Roberts

Yellowfin tuna March 2, 2020 9:58 AM
Skipjack price rise continues with catches still poor

By Matilde Mereghetti

Skipjack prices in Bangkok continue to increase rapidly, having already reached the $1,500/t threshold, and are likely to rise further, according to sources

Prices Feb. 17, 2020 4:53 PM
IATTC director: Eastern Pacific Ocean tuna fleet needs urgent upgrade

By Matilde Mereghetti

The fleet [operating in the Eastern Pacific Ocean] is going to need a lot of financial support for its renewal -- Guillermo Compean, director of the IATTC

Prices Feb. 12, 2020 10:25 AM
Diversification, R&D drive Ecuadorian tuna canner Marbelize’s rapid growth

By Matilde Mereghetti

One of Ecuador's largest tuna canners and suppliers to EU brands, Marbelize has grown its processing capacity and recently launched some new products

Coronavirus Feb. 5, 2020 10:07 AM
Skipjack prices rise fast amid slow fishing

By Matilde Mereghetti

Skipjack prices in Bangkok, Thailand, are increasing rapidly, while the coronavirus outbreak's impact on the global tuna business is mild so far, according to sources

Companies Feb. 4, 2020 4:59 PM
New Panamanian tuna FIP aims to satisfy MSC standards by January 2025

The fishery targets bigeye (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and yellowfin (T. albacares) tuna on the high seas in the Eastern Pacific Ocean

US investigates tuna brands Jan. 28, 2020 6:42 PM
Judge nixes Chicken of the Sea settlement as insufficient for price-fixing victims

By Jason Smith

Only $1.5m of the proposed $6.5m settlement from Chicken of the Sea would have gone directly to a group of restaurants and retailers with the rest going to expenses and legal fees

Vessels Jan. 9, 2020 9:35 AM
Tuna sector eyes recovery from record low prices

By Matilde Mereghetti

Skipjack tuna prices in the key processing hub of Bangkok, Thailand, are increasing fast, recovering from record low levels reached last quarter

R&D Dec. 31, 2019 9:30 AM
PNA buys fisheries management tool

PNA ministers at a meeting in September approved the plan to purchase the system, which reportedly has a price tag of over $10 million

Yellowfin tuna Dec. 30, 2019 3:54 PM
Seychelles-flagged seiners reach yellowfin quota, cease fishing

Minister Charles Bastienne said at a press conference that the yellowfin seiners had collectively met their quota of 33,211 metric tons set by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission

(1147 results)

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