GOAL blog: India ramping up pangasius output; Indonesian tilapia production closing on China
Undercurrent News is reporting live from the Global Outlook on Aquaculture Leadership conference taking place from Sept. 19 to Sept. 22 in Guangzhou, China
Caribbean fishermen seek to increase catch value
Fishermen in the Caribbean should focus on maximizing the value of their catches rather than simply trying to increase the volumes caught, a regional group believes
Philippines fish disappearing on rampant Asian demand
China’s rampant demand for Philippines fish such as red grouper is leading to overfishing of the seas in the Coral Triangle and putting several species on the verge of extinction
Oman fund investing in first world’s first grouper RAS
Al Hosn Investment Company plans to invest in the hamour recirculation system, set up by KAT-Aqua
NOAA: Number of ‘overfished’ US stocks remained stable in 2015
US federal fishing regulators say that the percentage of stocks subject to overfishing continues to remain stable, even as new species are added to a watch list
Creating a US market for plate-sized fish could ‘revolutionize’ aquaculture
Developing a market for plate-sized fish in the US could 'revolutionize' American aquaculture by opening it up to more marine fish
Handy International joins Gulf of Mexico FIP
Handy International has joined a grouper fishery improvement project (FIP) in the Gulf of Mexico
DBP finances aquaculture project in Sibuyan Island
A $210,000 loan will finance the development of a 1.2-hectare aquaculture project for the production of grouper fingerlings
Louisiana mulls changes to seafood certification program
Louisiana's wild-caught seafood certification program is looking to ease some of its requirements in order to increase supplier participation
Beaver Street eyes moves into aquaculture, fresh
Florida-based frozen seafood firm is planning to move into new areas in the next five years, says exec VP Mark Frisch