Trade Nov. 25, 2022 10:14 AM
Argentina’s Veraz confirms deal talks with Nueva Pescanova are off

By Matilde Mereghetti

The negotiations between Spain's Nueva Pescanova and Argentinian fishing company Pesquera Veraz have halted without a deal

Processing Nov. 14, 2022 9:16 AM
Dutch firm Zalmhuys builds new salmon smokehouse

By María Feijóo

Zalmhuys Group, which has annual revenues of over €250 million, plans to open a new salmon smoking plant in Urk, Netherlands, in March 2023

Trade Nov. 10, 2022 2:36 PM
Lower shrimp, hake sales cause 4% drop in Argentina seafood export volumes in Q3

By María Feijóo

Argentina's fisheries sector exported a total of 137,574 metric tons of seafood worldwide worth $594.3 million during the third quarter of 2022

Supply Nov. 8, 2022 9:58 AM
Falkland Islands’ gov’t foresees record hake catches this year

The Falkland Islands' department of natural resources expects hake catches this year to surpass 62,000 metric tons

Trade Oct. 28, 2022 9:53 AM
Spain’s Cabomar hopeful on end of year recovery for slack retail sales

By María Feijóo

Cabomar marketing director Tania Lage expects inflation to hit Spanish consumer's pockets, shifting demand from foodservice back to the retail market

North America Oct. 21, 2022 5:31 PM
Morris takes president role at quiet North American salmon giant Canfisco

By Tom Seaman

Morris has taken over from Dan Nomura as president of Canfisco, the largest fishing company in the Canadian province of BC and also a major player in the US salmon fishery in Alaska

Vessels Oct. 21, 2022 4:23 PM
CDQ group takes control of Golden Alaska pollock mothership after two catcher boat deals

By Tom Seaman

CDQ Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association has gone from owning 26% of Golden Alaska to a majority via deals for two catcher boats that supply the mothership, sources said

Trade Oct. 21, 2022 3:29 PM
Argentina’s seafood sales drop by 8% as shrimp exports dive

By María Feijóo

Argentina's fisheries sector saw its exports of shrimp drop by 18% in volume and 28% in value year-on-year during this period

Analysis Oct. 20, 2022 6:39 PM
As war continues, Ukraine seafood imports from US increase, slowly

By Nick Sambides Jr.

'A lot of people [have] fled the country, so they're missing employees. A lot of cold storages have been destroyed' -- Alex Babadzhanov, chief operations officer, Sogda

Hake Oct. 19, 2022 5:37 PM
American Seafoods plans ‘next-generation’ pollock new-builds, eyes fishing M&A

By Tom Seaman

American Seafoods has engaged a Nordic naval architect to design a 'next-generation' pollock and Pacific hake factory trawler, while also looking at upstream acquisitions, executive advisor and incoming CEO Einar Gustafsson told Undercurrent News

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