Prices for large European plaice rebound, smaller sizes drop on Pefa auctions
The price for gutted, iced 35-41cm and 41-80cm European plaice increased during week 23 of 2024, while the price for 27-31cm and 31-35cm fish saw the reverse
Prices for large European plaice drop, smaller sizes rebound on Pefa auctions
The price for gutted, iced 35-41cm and 41-80cm European plaice dropped during week 22 of 2024, while the price for 27-31cm and 31-35cm fish saw the contrary trend
Prices for European plaice, common sole down or flat on Pefa auctions
Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- and gutted, iced common sole fell or stayed flat between May 20 and 26
Prices for large European plaice continue up, as common sole drop on Pefa auctions
Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- rose for 35-41cm and 41-80cm fish, as did prices for large, gutted, iced common sole
Icelandic coastal cod season brings prices down as haddock rebounds
With Iceland's coastal fleet bringing in huge ungutted cod supplies, prices have fallen sharply since the season began on May 2, while haddock volumes have dropped
Prices for European plaice drop, common sole rebound on Pefa auctions
Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- dropped for 27-31cm, 31.35cm and 35-41cm fish, while they continued on the rise for 41-80cm fish
Prices for large European place rebound, smaller sizes take a dip on Pefa auctions
Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- rose for 35-41cm and 41-80cm fish, while they continued down for 27-31cm and 31-35cm fish
Prices for European plaice, common sole drop across all sizes on Pefa auctions
Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- drop across all sizes, as did prices for common sole from Dutch vessels between April 22 and 28
What climate change could mean for Northeast Atlantic fish stocks
Rising seawater temperatures will have serious impacts on stocks of Northeast Atlantic mackerel and saithe, though North Sea species like turbot and whiting may benefit
Icelandic gutted cod prices soar as haddock values also rise
Auction prices for fresh Icelandic gutted cod have continued to climb since the start of the year, although prices for ungutted fish remain generally flat