Prices April 16, 2024 10:32 AM
Weekly prices for European plaice rise across all sizes on Pefa auctions

By María Feijóo

Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- rose across most sizes in week 15; prices for gutted, iced common sole followed different trends depending on sizes

Prices April 4, 2024 10:14 AM
Prices for European plaice, common sole drop across most sizes in Pefa auction

By María Feijóo

Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- continued down across most sizes, as did prices for common sole from Dutch vessels between March 25 and 31

Prices March 26, 2024 9:56 AM
Prices for European plaice rebound, common sole drop on Pefa auction

By María Feijóo

Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- rose across all sizes, while prices for common sole from Dutch vessels fell between March 18 and 24

Prices March 19, 2024 11:00 AM
Prices for European plaice, common sole continue downward trend at Pefa auction

By María Feijóo

Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- continued down across all sizes, as did prices for common sole from Dutch vessels between March 11 and 17

Prices March 13, 2024 10:36 AM
Prices for European plaice, common sole drop further on Pefa auction

By María Feijóo

Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- continued down across all sizes, as did prices for common sole from Dutch vessels between March 4 and 10

Prices March 5, 2024 11:00 AM
Prices for European plaice continue down, common sole up on Pefa auction

By María Feijóo

Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- continued down across all sizes, while prices for common sole from Dutch vessels rose between Feb. 26 and March 3

Prices Feb. 29, 2024 10:08 AM
Prices for large European plaice, common sole up or flat on Pefa auction

By María Feijóo

Prices for large-sized gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- and gutted, iced common sole rose or stayed flat between Feb. 19 and 25

Prices Feb. 20, 2024 10:26 AM
Prices for European plaice, common sole down or flat across most sizes on Pefa auction

By María Feijóo

Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- and gutted, iced common sole fell or stayed flat between Feb. 12 and 18

Prices Feb. 14, 2024 10:49 AM
Prices for European plaice continue up, common sole drop on Pefa auction

By María Feijóo

Prices for gutted, iced European plaice -- the most significant volume going through the Pefa system -- rose across all sizes, while prices for common sole from Dutch vessels fell between Feb. 5 and 11

Prices Feb. 12, 2024 10:41 AM
Icelandic cod auction prices drop as season ramps up, haddock plentiful

By Dan Gibson

Auction prices for fresh cod, which have risen sharply over the last four weeks, are now being reined in as the peak of the catching season approaches

(236 results)

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