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Manage your cookie and privacy preferences with Undercurrent News

Cookie preferences

Decide which cookies are set on your device. Warning: Disabling recommended cookies can impact our business and website performance. Undercurrent News has a strict policy of never selling, sharing or distributing our visitors' or subscribers' information to any third party. For more details view our Privacy Policy.

Strictly necessary cookies

Set by: Undercurrent News
Essentially subscription & paywall cookies, these are strictly necessary for the functioning of our website, and are required to access our site. They do not hold personal data, besides basic account details provided upon registration (if you hold an account) such as username and email. For non-logged in readers, they are wholly anonymous and instead track metrics like device and location (using anonymized IPs), which allow us to maintain our paywall functions.

Essential cookies (strongly recommended)

Set by: Google Analytics, Chartbeat, Double Click For Publishers
These cookies are key to our website and business performance and collect strictly contextual, anonymous, non-personal information which cannot be linked to a particular visitor. While their providers can operate without, the cookies are essential to some of the functionalities, e.g. by measuring unique vs total visits, creating aggregated ad reporting, and combating fraud and abuse. Note: Opting out disables the cookies, not the services themselves.


Set by: Mixpanel, Hubspot
As data analytics services, Mixpanel and Hubspot provide insight into our website traffic and visitors' activity flow. It helps us troubleshoot technical issues and make better business decisions. Mixpanel creates a random unique identifier for each visitor while also collecting an account ID for logged-in visitors, which falls within the category of what the EU considers personal identifiable information. Note: Opting out disables Mixpanel and Hubspot as a whole.
Opting out will not delete a cookie if it already exists in your device. This can be done by clearing the cookies from your browser.

Manage your personal data

If you have an account with us, or have signed up to our newsletters, you may update the information we hold, using the links below. For more details or to request for your data to be exported or erased, please check out our Privacy Policy.

Account details

We save profile details such as name, username and email for account holders. You can edit these at any time from your account (requires logging in).

Billing details

If you have made a transaction on Undercurrent News, we will save your billing preferences (but not your card details). You can edit these at any time from your account (requires logging in).


If you have subscribed to one or more of our newsletters, and have an account with us, you may edit your selections here.