Two Danish aquaculture consultancy firms, IfAqua and RASLogic, have announced a strategic partnership.
The pair aims to provide comprehensive expertise in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) technology.
"They will be able to help anyone who has plans for a RAS project in ensuring it will be a success. Founder of IfAqua, Jonas Junker Bengtsen, has worked for several RAS suppliers and has had success in implementing RAS projects worldwide for many fish species," the companies said in a press release.
"The founder of RASLogic, Ivar Warrer-Hansen, needs no introduction. He is one of the pioneers in RAS and is world-renowned. IfAqua and RASLogic intend individually or together to be a leading force globally to help people who want to invest in RAS."
The partnership is supported by various Danish RAS equipment suppliers, including Oxyguard, CM Aqua, Desmi Pumps, Grundfos, Lykkegaard, Danfoss, Oxymat, IRAS, Apollo, Ultraaqua and FISHTECH under the Danish Export Association.
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