Companies Aug. 18, 2023 3:42 PM
Alaska senators look to add seafood provisions to next US farm bill

Lisa Murkowski has laid out her wish list for the next US farm bill in separate legislation she introduced in July: the Improving Agriculture, Research, Cultivation, Timber, and Indigenous Commodities (ARCTIC) Act

Labeling Aug. 17, 2023 5:10 PM
Lund’s, Silver Bay, Del Mar achieve MSC status for largest US squid fishery

By Jason Huffman

The certification has been expected since at least November 2022 when auditor SCS Global published its draft report, advising that the fishery has many strengths

Prices Aug. 7, 2023 10:13 AM
Valsecchi: Outlook for tuna canneries ‘no worse’ than current situation

By Matilde Mereghetti

Adolfo Valsecchi, CEO of Generale Conserve, anticipates a stable outlook for the next year despite the recent challenges of maintaining profitability in the face of rising costs

Oceania Aug. 4, 2023 4:02 PM
Australian study finds nearly 12% of seafood products mislabeled

The DNA testing revealed 11.8% of seafood sampled did not match the label, with sharks and snappers having the highest mislabeling rate

Trade Aug. 2, 2023 8:31 AM
EU Commission confirms it’s preparing for renewal of ATQs from 2024 onwards

By Matilde Mereghetti

The European Commission is working on its proposal for a council regulation to govern the next period beyond 2023, an EU official confirmed to Undercurrent News

Legal July 31, 2023 4:18 PM
Subway fake tuna lawsuit dismissed

The judge is expected to rule later on Subway's request that the plaintiff's lawyers be sanctioned for bringing a frivolous class action

Prices July 31, 2023 10:05 AM
Bolton Food revenue passes $1bn, but swings to loss on rising costs

By Matilde Mereghetti

Bolton achieved a significant increase in revenue in 2022, but its profit margins shrunk due to a substantial rise in production costs; brand Rio Mare lost 1.8% market share in Italy

Russian pollock MSC July 26, 2023 3:19 PM
Alaska commissioner takes more shots at MSC over Russia handling

'Unfortunately, the MSC has failed at this duty in recent years, as it has observed Russian actions in Ukraine ... and chosen a path of accommodation and appeasement' -- Doug Vincent-Lang, ADFG

Eco-labels July 25, 2023 2:26 PM
New initiative aims to boost small-scale aquaculture farmers in India

The Global Seafood Alliance, The Center for Responsible Seafood and Choice Canning Co. have signed a memorandum of understanding to help small-scale aquaculturists

Supply July 24, 2023 9:33 AM
New NSC report highlights great opportunities to grow seafood consumption in UK retail

A new report by the NSC and The Grocer has shed light on the opportunities to increase seafood consumption in UK retail

(1228 results)

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