Blue whiting Sept. 30, 2016 4:41 PM
ICES doubles 2017 catch advice for NSS herring amid big hikes for mackerel, blue whiting

Scientists recommend 22% increase in maximum catches of North Atlantic mackerel for 2017, while doubling their advice for NSS herring

Analysis Sept. 29, 2016 5:08 PM
Surimi supply to Japan likely to reach 290,000t with lower prices from US

By Minato-Tsukiji

This year’s supply of frozen surimi, including some minced, to Japan is expected to be about 290,000 metric tons, similar to last year

Europe Sept. 12, 2016 9:34 AM
Iceland catch value dropped in May

The value of catch by Icelandic vessels in May fell by more than ISK 2 bn, year on year, to ISK 11.9bn, according to Statistics Iceland data

Vessels Aug. 19, 2016 9:26 AM
Norwegian pelagic firm turns to Danish yard for 79m newbuild

By Tom Seaman

Norway’s Peter Hepso Rederi inked a deal with Danish yard Karstensens Skibsvaerft for a new vessel, Rav

Europe Aug. 16, 2016 9:33 AM
Former Nolan Seafoods MD sets up rival firm

By Ross Davies

Derek Hutchins, who parted ways with Nolan last December, launched Seafood Sourcing in May; the firm buys and processes whitefish, pelagics and salmon

Processing July 28, 2016 9:36 AM
HB Grandi turns to whitefish at pelagics plant

By Ross Davies

The Icelandic fishing company is to use its plant in Vopnafjordur -- traditionally focused on pelagics -- to process the 1,600t cod-equivalent quota it picked up from a rival this week

Analysis July 19, 2016 9:24 AM
NSC analyst: Nigerian pelagic market not out of the woods yet

By Ross Davies

Contrary to the bullishness expressed by some European traders to Undercurrent last month, Paul Aandahl of the Norwegian Seafood Council believes a still-vulnerable local currency means things aren't so clear-cut

Analysis July 6, 2016 3:31 PM
Surimi outlook: Dropping Hokkaido output could see prices above US product in Japan

By Minato-Tsukiji

A forecasted drop in production of surimi in Hokkaido fishery in Japan could mean prices are above level of US product, according to a roundup on world production

Companies June 27, 2016 9:23 AM
Scottish fishermen’s group appoints first ever chief scientific officer

The Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association has appointed Dr Steven Mackinson as its first ever scientific head, responsible for collating info on mackerel, herring and blue whiting stocks

Feed June 9, 2016 9:32 AM
Nergard’s fishmeal, oil plant up and running

By Neil Ramsden

Norwegian whitefish and pelagic processor's plant at Maloy, Norway, is now operating, bringing in more value from offcuts and allowing it to buy full boatloads from fishermen

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