Analysis Feb. 17, 2014 9:38 AM
EU whitefish execs angry as bilateral talks break down, ‘flood’ of Norwegian cod continues

By Tom Seaman

EU, Norwegian vessels still unable to fish in each other’s waters after breakdown of bilateral talks on Friday, with European sector sources angry a perceived 'flood' of Norwegian cod into their markets continues

Analysis Feb. 14, 2014 9:06 AM
Danish whitefish sector hit hard over lack of EU, Norway deal with freezer vessels in waiting game

By Eva Tallaksen and Tom Seaman

EU freezer vessels are stuck outside the Barents Sea while Danish fresh fish plants lay off staff and warn they are losing business due to continuing lack of bilateral fishing agreement between Norway and the EU, itself blamed on the mackerel wars

World Feb. 10, 2014 8:34 AM
No deal on herring, blue whiting as mackerel talks fail yet again

By Eva Tallaksen

Mackerel talks will resume shortly, says EU commission, but one fisheries representative says sanctions are once again on agenda

Companies Feb. 6, 2014 6:07 PM
Mackerel talks resume in London

New talks are due to be held in London this week

World Feb. 1, 2014 12:13 PM
Mackerel hopes dashed as talks end with no deal

By Eva Tallaksen

EU deplores 0.8% difference in members' position that blocked a deal

Processing Jan. 31, 2014 9:50 AM
Faroese exporter: ‘No room for three pelagic plants’

By Eva Tallaksen

New factory, backed by pelagic catchers and Bakkafrost, is in ideal location and will complete missing link in production, director tells Undercurrent News. But leading pelagic exporter Vardin warns it will cause overcapacity

Companies Jan. 27, 2014 8:00 AM
French blue whiting catcher to replace two vessels, invest onshore

As it turns 80 years old, UK Fisheries-backed Compagnie des peches de Saint-Malo plans to replace its two factory trawlers, while investing €4m onshore

Fishing Jan. 17, 2014 3:22 PM
Mackerel talks extended to next week

By Eva Tallaksen

Extension prolongs uncertainty in market, as talk is that EU, Faroes and Iceland could have reached agreement on access to quota, but were unable to bring Norway to unison

Prices Jan. 7, 2014 9:37 AM
Poor weather pushes prices up in Spain’s main fish markets

By Victor Jimenez

Behind price increases of up to 160% there were waves of 5 meters that kept Galician fishers at home, with some market halls shut for business during the first days of the 2014

Jack mackerel Dec. 18, 2013 11:03 AM
Surges of up to 114% in 2014 fishing quotas for Spain

By Victor Jimenez

Spain's representatives left Brussels Tuesday with higher quotas than expected for most of its claims, the industry set for better performance next year

(352 results)

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