Capelin April 9, 2021 12:55 PM
Norway nears end of blue whiting quota, after record capelin prices in Q1

By Neil Ramsden

Norwegian vessels have almost exhausted their blue whiting quota in 'the west', with limited activity to come; meanwhile, Q1 saw capelin exports bring in $55.6m

Capelin April 7, 2021 7:46 AM
Seacon introduces vegan sushi alternatives, aims to expand European sales

By Neil Ramsden

Seafood Connection has launched Iki Masagi, a vegan alternative to capelin roe, and has also developed alternatives to salmon and tuna for sushi toppings

Prices March 26, 2021 2:01 PM
EU-Norway deal gives blue whiting fishing a boost in week 11

By Neil Ramsden

But catches are still way down year-on-year; in Iceland, meanwhile, there was an update on capelin and capelin roe pricing

Capelin March 24, 2021 1:14 PM
Barry Group CEO argues for keeping Newfoundland capelin fishery open

The 16,000t of capelin landed last year by harvesters in 2J3KL accounted for only 1% of all predator-related mortalities, Bill Barry argues

North America March 19, 2021 4:48 PM
Newfoundland processors: Call to close capelin fishery ‘hasty and misguided’

'No one has a more vested interest in the sustainability of capelin than the fishing industry' -- Derek Butler, the Association of Seafood Producers

Fishing March 18, 2021 5:46 PM
NL capelin stocks a fraction of 1990s levels, says DFO

The latest evidence presents a stark outlook for capelin stocks in the main fishing grounds off Newfoundland

Prices March 18, 2021 9:48 AM
Storm brews in Iceland over capelin prices

Icelandic fishermen feel they've received less from the country's processors than the Norwegian vessels that landed their capelin to the same shores

Fishing March 15, 2021 3:44 PM
Battle brews over effort to halt Canadian capelin fishery

Canceling the capelin fishery this year would be 'irresponsible', considering the assessment of the biomass is underway -- Keith Sullivan, FFAW

Supply March 12, 2021 12:19 PM
Week nine a slower one for Norwegian pelagic landings

By Neil Ramsden

Norway has now landed around 203,000t of spring-spawning herring this year, or 40% of the quota; it has also reached 47% of its blue whiting quota

Capelin March 5, 2021 12:36 PM
Rush on roe has knock-on benefits for Norwegian herring sales

By Neil Ramsden

While Iceland enjoys its first capelin roe season for several years, now Norway is seeing record prices for spring-spawning herring as it too comes aboard with good roe content

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