Mackerel prices to climb from all-time high; herring may have reached bottom
Norwegian pelagics sector expects mackerel first-hand prices to keep climbing in 2019, while there's optimism herring may have reached its low point
Whole Norwegian fleet hit by 2019’s zero capelin quotas
Sildelaget CEO notes the entire Norwegian fleet, and processors, will feel the economic impact of being unable to land capelin in the Barents Sea and Iceland this year
Friosur sale puts gloss on ‘unacceptable’ Q4 for HB Grandi
The Icelandic firm also put a provisional figure on the negative effects it expects should the country continue to not issue a capelin quota
Some Norwegian plants cease herring purchases as weather makes life hard for fishing
The herring being sought by Norwegian vessels has reached a stage where they are carrying roe, which means only five plants were in production in week eight
Analysts estimate Iceland will lose up to $170m with no capelin quota
Iceland's Sea Data Center warns the impact of no capelin season in 2019 will be severe for the country's pelagic industry, and may affect fishmeal prices
Slow Norway herring fishing goes on, as Icelandic capelin picture looks bleak
Norwegian fishing of Atlanto-Scandic herring continues to perform below hoped-for levels, while Iceland still hasn't located biomass of capelin for fishing
Norwegian herring catches remain a little slow, still no capelin luck for Iceland
Year-on-year Norwegian catches of Atlanto-Scandic herring are down as catching remains moderate at best; Iceland is out surveying capelin once more
Norway finds herring hard to catch in week five
It had been hoped that landings of Atlanto-Scandic herring would pick up after a variable week four, but this has not been the case
Iceland’s SVN closes fishmeal plant as capelin landings dive
Sildarvinnslan has closed one of its three fishmeal and oil facilities, capacity utilization at which has been dropping in recent years, and was forecast at zero for 2019
Herring catches still good for Norway coastal fleet, as Iceland sizes up capelin
Plants in the north of Norway said to be busy processing landings of Atlanto-Scandic herring, while Icelandic survey trips came back with only modest capelin returns