Western Ukraine’s seafood imports recover, though prices skyrocket
Western Ukraine is now importing, with key suppliers there operating and benefiting from government help; Belarus, meanwhile, has imported more seafood this year than last
Newfoundland capelin fishery sees quota increase in spite of Oceana report
The Fish Food and Allied Workers, the union that represents inshore harvesters in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, was generally upbeat about the news
Bad weather hampers Brim’s capelin fishing
Icelandic fishing and processing firm Brim was unable to catch 20,000t of the company's allocated capelin quota in the first quarter of 2022 due to bad weather
Iceland capelin season brings SVN Q1 boost despite uncertainty of war
Operating income was roughly double that seen in Q1 2021, and while profit margins were down y-o-y, inventories ready for sale stand much higher this spring/ summer
Icelandic pelagic company Lodnuvinnslan ups profits, revenue
Icelandic pelagic fishing and processing company Lodnuvinnslan reported an 88% increase in profits to ISK 1.25 billion
Newfoundland processors: Push for capelin moratorium ‘misguided’
'A few thousand tons of capelin, perhaps as low as 2,000t or 3,000t, does not drive this stock dynamic' -- Derek Butler, Association of Seafood Producers
On verge of Canada setting Newfoundland capelin TAC, Oceana calls for moratorium
'This stock has a dire outlook, which would be devastating for northeastern [NL] coastal communities' -- Robert Rangeley, Oceana Canada
Norwegian vessels turn to blue whiting with capelin season done
Week 12 of 2022 saw Norway's fleet enjoy the best week of the year so far for blue whiting, with fishing taking place west of Ireland in EU waters
Newfoundland harvesters question data gaps in capelin science
Harvesters in Newfoundland and Labrador are raising serious concerns over the lack of data and an 'inadequate science review process' by DFO
Norway, Iceland wind up capelin seasons
Norwegian vessels have taken their fill of the Barents Sea capelin quota, while blue whiting fishing goes on, most heading for human consumption processing in Ireland