Faroese also gain MSC for their share of Icelandic capelin
Now catches of Icelandic capelin by Iceland, Norway and the Faroese can all carry the MSC label
Pelagic processor plans consolidation after improved 2021
Denmark's FF Skagen saw significantly better results in 2021 than during the 'disaster' that came before, with reasons for optimism in 2022
Norwegian vessels fill Icelandic waters, but capelin fishing slow
The maximum number of Norwegian vessels that can fish in Icelandic waters are now on-site, but fishing has been slow going thus far
Pelagic roe prices to fall in 2022, but room in market for both herring, capelin
Iceland's bumper capelin quota should bring down what have been record prices for herring and capelin roe, but sources feel there is room on the market for both
Norway herring fishing slows in week two, while Iceland capelin takes off
After a rapid start on herring, Norway's catches are now behind 2021 levels; in Iceland, capelin is being landed faster than plants can deal with it
Norwegians unhappy with capelin restrictions as catches ramp up
While Icelandic, Greenlandic and Faroese vessels may all catch as they please, Norwegian vessels are forbidden from using nets south of 64°39N
MSC loss saw blue whiting prices fall 21% in 2021
'We can see the loss of the MSC certificate hit the prices for blue whiting in 2021, and we expect a similar story again this year' -- Roald Oen, Norges Sildesalgslag
Herring fishing off to quick start in Norway
Norway's pelagic auction has received more than 22,000t of spring-spawning herring, and almost 6,000t of North Sea herring, in the first week of 2022
Ahead of bumper season, Norway can sell Icelandic capelin as MSC
Iceland's capelin fishery has been MSC-certified for years, but now Norway has negotiated an agreement allowing its catches in Icelandic waters to carry the label
Norway nears end of year’s herring fishing
Norway's fleet has landed 98.6% of its spring-spawning herring quota as of Dec. 10, with only some 6,300t left to be taken by the coastal vessels