Fishing Nov. 9, 2022 5:36 PM
2022 ASMI meeting: Promotion of H&G sockeye seen as needed ‘pretty much everywhere’

By Jason Smith

Undercurrent News is covering the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute's 'All Hands' meeting, the first held live since 2019

Policy Oct. 27, 2022 6:24 PM
Alaska governor sticks up again for sockeye-threatening Pebble Mine

In his Sept. 6, three-page letter to Casey Sixkiller, administrator of the EPA region that includes Alaska, Mike Dunleavy said the proposed veto of the project is 'deeply concerning'

Trade Oct. 21, 2022 3:34 PM
Pebble Mine, salmon factor in Alaska Native group’s 2022 political endorsements

The United Tribes of Bristol Bay is endorsing both Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, and Pat Chesbro, a Democrat, for the US Senate

Policy Oct. 5, 2022 4:03 PM
Pebble Mine opponents optimistic but nervous in advance of final EPA rule

A final decision was expected this month from the EPA but the federal agency said it would need until December to review all of the comments

Analysis Sept. 6, 2022 5:37 PM
NFI joins wave in opposition to Pebble Mine on last day of comment period

By Jason Huffman

'If fully developed, Pebble Mine would generate billions of tons of toxic mining waste that would feed into the Bristol Bay waters'

North America July 22, 2022 4:31 PM
Alaska seafood champion Murkowski gets big boost from independent PAC

Alaskans for L.I.S.A. has raised $2.4 million over the past three months, four times as much as rival, Donald Trump-backed Republican Kelly Tshibaka

Prices June 30, 2022 2:31 PM
EU grocers balk at ever-escalating Alaska sockeye prices, threaten delisting

By Jason Smith

Early season price talks reveal that Alaska processors are looking for an increase of $1 per pound over last year, a sockeye buyer told Undercurrent

Companies June 9, 2022 9:34 PM
Silver Bay ordered to pay $467k for waste violations at Bristol Bay salmon plant

By Jason Huffman

Alaska's Department of Environmental Conservation has ordered Silver Bay Seafoods to pay $467,469 for water quality violations at its Naknek River facility in Bristol Bay

Policy May 13, 2022 3:45 PM
Alaska Democrats turn on salmon harvester, former Sullivan challenger

'He’s not a Democrat and he sure as hell doesn’t share your Democratic values...' -- the Alaska Democratic Party in a Facebook post about independent candidate Al Gross

Policy April 29, 2022 5:41 PM
US House passes Don Young’s salmon research bill

HR 6651 would direct the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to create a task force to examine research on Pacific salmon

(318 results)

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