Study: Retreating Alaskan glaciers will open up salmon streams
A new study shows retreating glaciers are likely to open up thousands of miles of salmon spawning habitat by the year 2100
Alaska senators introduce bill to boost salmon research
Alaska senator Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski introduced a bill last week to prioritize research that would work to reverse the trend of declining salmon runs
Washington state governor unveils $187m wild salmon recovery plan
The legislation would set new standards for salmon habitat protection and conservation efforts
Seafood Watch overhaul gives consumers 250,000t more yellow-rated salmon
As much as 86% of the world's total 2.8m metric tons of net-pen farmed salmon harvested annually comes with a red grade but 13% is now rated yellow and 1% green
NOAA Fisheries’ Coit to Congress: New MSA bill would be strain on agency
'[T]he expanded scope of some of the requirements could redirect limited funding and staff away from core activities' -- Janet Coit, National Marine Fisheries Service
Lawsuit seeks to keep Alaska salmon fishing area open by challenging constitutionality of regional council
The closure, which would affect waters in the exclusive economic zone that run from south of Kalgin Island to about Anchor Point, is scheduled to take effect on Dec. 3
Court ruling likely to spur more Alaska salmon fishing restrictions
The Chinook salmon harvest brought in more than $7 million last year at southeast Alaska docks, making the fishery a critical part of the region’s economy
ASMI meeting 2021: Pandemic has been private label boon for Publix, NESI
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute is hosting its annual 'All Hands' meeting this week
Oregon seeks disaster declaration for Chinook salmon fishery
'Climate chaos' has plunged the value of the state's Chinook salmon fishery from an average $6.3 million annually to $1.4m in 2020
Alaska salmon harvesters want trawlers’ bycatch allowances reduced
Alaska's commercial salmon harvesters face opposition from subsistence fishermen in a debate over bycatch limits