Zuanich: No guarantee on demand for MSC salmon
ASPA leader emphasizes positives in agreement to hand MSC salmon certificate over to PSPA but says last spring's high demand for MSC won't necessarily continue
NFI Salmon Council launches ‘Fire it Up’ grilling campaign
Council and its blogger ambassadors partner in online campaign -- dubbed 'Fire it Up' -- to encourage people to grill salmon this season
Alaska trollers angered over reduced Chinook limit
The Pacific Salmon Commission has decided to cap Alaska's king salmon harvest at 237,000 fish -- 44% down from last year's 440,000 cap
Icicle sold to Indonesian investors
Private equity investment firm Paine & Partners will sell Icicle Holdings to Convergence Holdings and Dominion Catchers, Paine and Icicle said Friday
Alaska governor Walker contacts MSC on salmon certification
Alaska’s Governor Walker urged 'fairness' from the Marine Stewardship Council in the certification of Alaska salmon, in a letter sent to MSC executive Rupert How
Oregon chinook salmon dying early as water warms
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife suspect warmer water temperatures are likely behind early Willamette Basin chinook salmon deaths
ASPA offers to share MSC certificate on condition of payment
MSC Alaska salmon client says it sees the effort of MSC salmon re-join hopefuls as purely a business decision, a tactic leader Zuanich says the group can tolerate but not reward
Copper River sockeye prices seen high as harvest remains below forecast
Prices to sockeye fishermen said to remain high as Copper River catches stay well below 2015 forecasts as well as last year’s harvest
MSC Alaska salmon mediation process revives
The mediation process between Alaska salmon suppliers, the Alaska Salmon Processors Association and the Trident-led group of processors aiming to rejoin, is still going
Boil-in-pouch seafood highlighted as nice treat for backpackers, campers
FishPeople Seafood hooked interest from the Chicago Tribune recently with their line of gourmet seafood dishes