Analysis April 15, 2015 5:28 PM
Icicle wild salmon business a tough sell, say sources

By Tom Seaman and Matt Whittaker

Multiple bids on Icicle’s whitefish and farmed salmon operations, sources say, but much less interest in wild salmon, in which business climate is tough

Traceability April 13, 2015 8:30 AM
Alaska salmon processors in talks to re-join MSC group ahead of massive sockeye, pink forecasts

By Tom Seaman

With predictions of a massive season for both sockeye and pink, the Alaska salmon companies who left the MSC program are now in talks to get back into the client group

M&A April 8, 2015 9:42 PM
Copper River purchases Bristol Bay plant from Extreme Seafoods

By Jeanine Stewart

Company enters Bristol Bay for the first time with the deal, insider tells Undercurrent News

Fishing March 31, 2015 5:34 PM
Alaska salmon forecast: Sockeye up 33%, overall run up 39%

By Jeanine Stewart

Pink salmon harvest's projected 46% increase y-o-y for 2015 pulls the state-wide harvest forecast up as sockeye goes through the roof

North America March 25, 2015 10:23 AM
Fraser River’s sockeye run estimated at near 7m

Estimations are a big improvement from the dismal 1.6m return of 2009 that triggered a federal inquiry

Traceability March 19, 2015 5:33 PM
Russian salmon fishery enters MSC assessment

The Russian VA-Delta Western Kamchatka salmon fishery for pink, chum and coho has entered assessment for sustainability

Salmonid March 17, 2015 9:16 AM
Chicken of the Sea: Eat salmon for brain awareness week

Shelf-stable seafood supplier picks salmon as the fish to eat for brain health

North America March 16, 2015 1:46 PM
Yihe launches ‘made in America’ Alaska salmon products amid own-brand push

By Jeanine Stewart

In yet another move to add a layer of value to its own-brand products, Yihe Corporation -- traditionally known for as a private label supplier -- is launching its first “made in America” products at the Boston seafood show under its new Alaskan Jack's line

Pink salmon March 9, 2015 10:35 AM
Young’s: Gastro sales up 29% y-o-y

UK arm of Findus Group bullish on 'Gastro' sales growth, as it confirms the release of new products first reported by Undercurrent News 

Salmonid March 4, 2015 5:25 PM
Alaska’s 2015 pink salmon harvest forecast likely at least 22% up over last year

By Jeanine Stewart

Total harvest pegged much lower than 2013's record 226.3m harvest but up over last year's, based on a preliminary estimate

(1046 results)

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