Fishing Oct. 2, 2015 5:16 PM
Visir-owned firm files legal action against OCI alleging mismanagement

By Tom Seaman

The company controlling the 49% Iceland’s Visir owns in Canadian firm Ocean Choice has filed a legal action, alleging mismanagement and demanding control 

Russian food ban impact Oct. 1, 2015 5:21 PM
Official: US-Russia IUU agreement about information sharing

By Jason Smith

A recently signed agreement between the US and Russian governments that aims to combat illegal crab fishing in the Bering Sea will allow the countries to work together on investigations and prosecutions of cases

Companies Sept. 28, 2015 3:58 PM
Domoic acid on US west coast continues to hamper shellfish economy

By Ola Wietecha

The dangerously high levels of domoic acid caused by an abnormally early algae bloom along the US west coast are slowly starting to come down, however the decline has been slight and the shellfish economy continues to suffer

North America Sept. 25, 2015 5:05 PM
Nearly 700 illegal crab pots seized in northwest US

A sweep by Washington State's Department of Fish and Wildlife revealed almost 700 illegal crab pots in the city of Blaine, arrests are likely to ensue

Fishing Sept. 25, 2015 4:40 PM
Bering Sea crabbers uncertain about looming gov’t shutdown’s impact

Crabbers in Alaska's Bering Sea are uncertain as to how they will be impacted if the US federal government shuts down in the coming days due to a funding dispute

North America Sept. 22, 2015 11:40 PM
Blue crabs can thrive in lower levels of oxygen, still threatened by warming waters

A  new study shows that blue crabs can thrive in lower oxygen levels, but the combined effects of less oxygen and warming water temperatures raises worries

Fishing Sept. 22, 2015 6:02 PM
Lawrence Street joins NFI crab council

Lawrence Street Seafood has become the newest member of the National Fisheries Institute's crab council

BRICs Sept. 21, 2015 12:52 PM
Russia ups Pacific herring, Alaska pollock quotas

Pacific herring in the Karaginskaya subzone will be up to 59,200t, while Alaska pollock in the East Sakhalin subarea will increase to 103,000t

Analysis Sept. 16, 2015 5:28 PM
Survey suggests declines in Alaska snow crab, red king crab biomass

By SeafoodNews.com

Overall, the survey shows a decline in the mature male biomass for both red king crab and opilio, and a mixed picture for bairdi or tanner crab

North America Sept. 14, 2015 9:37 AM
US, Russia sign agreement to prevent illegal fishing

Russian and US negotiators signed a bilateral agreement to combat IIUU fishing on Sept. 11

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