Study finds crabs can hear
Two researchers have been scaring mud crabs with the sounds of predators in an effort to prove they can hear
King & Prince Seafood wins industry innovation awards
K&P wins National Association of College and University Food Service Industry Innovation and Creative Excellence Award for two products
Investors pump more into Associated Seafoods as langoustine losses hit results
Scottish Salmon Company-linked salmon and shellfish processor cuts losses in latest financial year, but investors have to put in more as low langoustine volumes hit results
Climate change to turn Long Island Sound in blue crab shelter
Global warming already has begun to transform Long Island Sound, according to many marine scientists, creating climate-change winners, like blue crabs
Snow crab price bumps up again after tough year
Distributors are watching with trepidation as this year’s snow crab price settles out
Norton Sound king crab season opens with lower quota
The summer commercial fishery king crab quota will be 382,800 pounds, about 23% lower year-on-year
Nova Scotia plant depends on foreign workers program, says owner
75 of North Nova Seafoods workforce, or about 45%, come from Thailand under the federal temporary foreign worker program
Florida stone crab hit by increasing carbon dioxide in the oceans
The annual stone crab catch in Florida has been reduced from about 10.5m pounds ten years ago to about 2.5m pounds in the past year
Russia’s illegal king crab poaching worth at least $700m
Russia's crackdown is on king crab poaching, which largely goes to the US, is working somewhat, statistics show
King & Prince launches crab, scallop and shrimp ‘Sensations’
The new entries to the product line are made from blends of shellfish and surimi