People Feb. 5, 2021 9:48 AM
New Zealand Coastal appoints Aussie exporter to board

Nathan Maxwell-Mcginn is the co-founder of JSJ Seafood, a firm which exports more than $35m of Australian seafood to Asia annually

Supply Nov. 9, 2020 10:39 PM
New 25% EU tariffs to spare US lobster, pollock, but hit Atlantic, Pacific salmon

By Jason Huffman

'It makes no sense that a [WTO] dispute about planes that fly 40,000 feet above where fish swim should include seafood' -- John Connelly, president of the National Fisheries Institute

Products Nov. 9, 2020 9:59 AM
Australian industry body launches flagship national seafood brand

Seafood Industry Australia has launched the country's first whole-of-industry marketing campaign to promote Australian seafood, unveiling the Great Australian Seafood brand

Supply Nov. 2, 2020 6:08 PM
Australian rock lobster exports threatened by China dispute

Tom Cosentino, the executive officer of Southern Rocklobster, said Australian lobster shipments had been delayed due to stepped-up import inspections in China

M&A Aug. 31, 2020 6:51 PM
US restaurant giant Bloomin’ Brands adds veteran seafood purchasing director

By Jason Huffman

Paul Jamieson brings with him 30 years of experience, including his most recent two-year stint at Bar Harbor Seafood, a wholesaler based in Orlando, Florida

Supply Aug. 26, 2020 6:10 PM
Florida-caught spiny lobsters part of US-EU trade deal, too, USTR confirms

By Jason Huffman

'This is a huge deal, and not just for Maine, but for Florida also' -- Ralph Pope, president of Agritec Americas Corp

Processing Aug. 13, 2020 9:38 AM
Insurance firm offers unique package for world’s most remote lobster processor

Global Parametrics has provided protection against storms for a processing facility on Tristan da Cunha in the south Atlantic

Coronavirus July 30, 2020 7:16 AM
Aussie rock lobster landings surge amid coronavirus worries

By Louis Harkell

GFC member fishers more than doubled landings in July compared with the same month last year

Sustainability July 15, 2020 6:19 PM
NZ harvester gets nine months for not reporting 11t of lobster, snails

'The ministry has been unable to find any cases where the total quantity taken comes close to the amount of the present case' -- Wellington District Court judge Jan Kelly

Oceania June 17, 2020 10:15 AM
Aussie lobster fishers looking beyond China as COVID hits prices

The recent volatility of the Chinese market, where 90% of all south Australian rock lobster is destined, has shown the need for a greater diversification of target countries

(164 results)

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