Africa June 18, 2015 4:18 PM
Call for former Mozambique president’s arrest in $850m tuna fleet scandal

A Mozambique politician called for arrest of former president Armando Guebuza in connection with government guarantees for $850m loan for state-owned tuna company 

Albacore tuna June 8, 2015 10:09 AM
Cook Islands albacore fishery achieves MSC certification

WWF commended the fishery but it has reservations on MSC assessments

Analysis June 1, 2015 1:54 AM
Sea Value investing up to $15m in expansion amid uncertainly over Bumble Bee shares

By Tom Seaman

World’s second largest tuna canner is investing in expanding its facilities and looking longer term to an IPO, despite uncertainty stemming from Thai Union’s move for Bumble Bee, which holds minority stake in Sea Value

North America May 19, 2015 3:15 PM
Starkist to pay $12m to settle claims of cheating US canned tuna buyers

By Tom Seaman

US tuna supplier, owned by Dongwon, agrees to pay $12m into a fund to settle 2013 claim it cheated consumers by supplying them with under-filled cans

Companies May 12, 2015 10:04 AM
Pafco’s new freezer to allow more regular tuna supply

Pacific Fishing Company putting Bumble Bee Foods loan to use; construction on new 4,000t coldstore to begin at the end of May

Companies May 1, 2015 9:31 AM
Starkist wants minimum wage freeze in Samoa cannery

Starkist wants to continue the current freeze on the minimum wage in American Samoa, where the US-based company operates a large cannery

People May 1, 2015 8:54 AM
Thai shrimp, tuna processor brings in new CFO from Nutreco

Thai processor Asian Seafoods Coldstorage has picked up new executive vice president and chief financial officer from Nutreco, parent company of Skretting 

Skipjack tuna April 29, 2015 10:04 AM
Spanish canner Frinsa becomes latest member of global pole & line group

Galician cannery Frinsa del Noroeste has become the newest and 26th member of the International Pole & Line Foundation

Asia April 23, 2015 3:43 PM
ISSF calls for better management of Indian Ocean tuna fishery

The ISSF on Thursday called for the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission to improve management of fish aggregating devices

Analysis April 21, 2015 6:11 AM
World tuna catches increasing at a million tons every decade

By Tom Seaman

Catches of skipjack, albacore and bigeye tuna have been increasing at a rate of around one million metric tons a decade

(502 results)

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