Acquisitive Costa Rican firm aspires to be the ‘Cooke’ of tropical fish
Industrias Martec wants to position itself as a player in the supply of tropical warmwater finfish by further expanding its assets in fisheries as well as aquaculture
Skipjack prices fall faster than expected despite high fuel costs
Skipjack prices in Bangkok, Thailand, have fallen from earlier highs this month, but higher fuel costs and slow catches in the eastern Pacific keep pressure on harvesters
Greenpeace endorses Hy-Vee’s private label tuna supplier vessel report
Greenpeace said it hoped that Hy-Vee's disclosure would pressure other big-name suppliers, processors or retailers to follow its lead
Philippines’ tuna capital hit by rocketing fuel prices
At least 120,000 people rely on the fishing industry in the city, whose players include six tuna canneries, fishing fleets, and other downstream industries
Start-up plans to reopen tuna cannery on remote British overseas territory
UK-based start-up plans to become first native brand and distributor of canned yellowfin by reopening processing plant on St. Helena, a remote overseas territory in the south Atlantic
Yellowfin prices hit ‘all-time’ high for Southern European canners
Prices for yellowfin tuna raw material have risen to a record level for delivery to Southern Europe, with a drop seen as unlikely
Global Tuna Alliance, WWF blast IOTC for not curbing yellowfin catches
The GTA, a group comprised of major suppliers and major retailers, and NGO WWF both blasted the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission for not curbing yellowfin harvesting
IOTC adopts harvest strategy for $1bn bigeye tuna stock
The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission adopted a harvest strategy for bigeye tuna, the first-ever comprehensive such management procedure for any topical tuna species globally
Tuna group pushes Japanese investor to stop Oman yellowfin overfishing
Omani fleet tuna harvests have increased by a whopping 255% from 2017 to 2020, the Global Tuna Alliance says
IOTC faces ‘dangerous situation’ with yellowfin tuna stock depletion
'The real question is whether we are all genuinely prepared to find a common solution to attain these goals, or have we decided to fight each other from his or her own corner?' -- Jean Francois Ferrari