Havfisk ups quota it will sell along with vessel
Norwegian fishing firm has entered into an agreement to sell additional quotas for fishing of cod, haddock and saithe, reportedly to fishing firm Hermes
ICES: Northeast Atlantic fish stock exploitation down significantly over the last decade
Scientists from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea concluded that exploitation of fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic has declined significantly during the last decade
Analyst: High Liner sizes up Gorton’s, SeaPak
High Liner needs to buy big US retail brand to hit ebitda target of $150m by 2015, with Gorton’s, SeaPak targets, says analyst
Seven dead after ammonia leak at China High Liner supplier
Ammonia leak poisons 13 workers in China whitefish factory supplying High Liner, with seven deaths reported
China processing: After every setting sun comes a new day
Export-driven Chinese processors are making major switches to businesses models in order to survive tough climate, with the more pessimistic describing industry as a ‘setting sun’
Murmansk whitefish plant makes strategic u-turn in face of soaring cod, haddock prices
A more than 50% increase in cod landing prices since July has seen Murmansk factories struggle to make ends meet, forcing Agama’s plant to drop single-frozen focus for double frozen cod
Havfisk selling last pure fresh trawler
Norwegian fishing company plans to sell last fresh trawler, a vessel type that has ‘lost its competitive edge’, as it awaits delivery of two more highly advanced combination vessels
Havfisk CEO warns record-high haddock prices will bring customer substitution
‘It is better for everybody to have a stable price over time and not a very high price in a short period,’ says top exec of Norwegian fishing company
Norway, Russia struggling to catch million-ton Barents Sea cod quota
Million-ton cod quota Barents Sea cod quota looking increasingly less likely to be caught, with Norwegian trawler owners hoping for reallocation from inshore fleet
Predator cod affecting haddock, herring numbers in North Sea
Fishing quota cuts which were imposed to preserve cod from extinction a few years ago could actually be harming the North Sea, according to marine scientists