Sustainability Dec. 6, 2018 9:43 AM
AquaBounty’s GMO salmon undergoing new federal risk assessment

Environment and Climate Change Canada said it is undertaking an assessment of the firm's GMO salmon after AquaBounty submitted expansion plans in July

Atlantic salmon Dec. 5, 2018 6:55 PM
Love the Wild CEO Claudia: Price is biggest challenge for RAS products

By Jason Huffman

'If we want to change the food system, the premium’s got to go away'  -- Jacqueline Claudia, co-founder and CEO of Love the Wild

Land-based Dec. 5, 2018 9:53 AM
Norway’s Salmon Evolution pursues funding for €330m land-based farm, construction to start in 2019

Salmon Evolution could become Europe's largest land-based salmon farm when it is completed, with a proposed deadline of 2023

Policy Dec. 3, 2018 5:20 PM
Kampachi Company wins $3.3m grant to turn seaweed into food, feed, fuel

By Jason Huffman

You may know this company for its soon-to-be harvesting 200,000 fish ocean cage aquaculture operation, but it's also working to develop applications for seaweed

Vannamei Dec. 2, 2018 10:36 PM
Cooke confirms deal for shrimp farmer Seajoy is close to completion

By Jason Huffman

Glenn Cooke confirms his company is close to a deal for a shrimp farmer in Latin America, which Undercurrent News has previously reported is Seajoy 

Europe Nov. 30, 2018 10:16 AM
Samherji receives green light to double salmon, charr production at farm

Iceland's Environment Agency approved Icelandic whitefish producer Samherji's request to double production at its Oxarfjordur farm in northeast Iceland

Sustainability Nov. 30, 2018 10:15 AM
Marine Harvest, BioMar tell Scottish report that RAS is not a viable salmon farming plan

By Neil Ramsden

The companies agreed that much more research needs to be done before land-based aquaculture to harvest is viable; committee backs calls for incentivized research into tech

Shrimp Nov. 29, 2018 6:02 PM
Appeals court blocks another US gov’t effort to overcome Mexico gillnet import ban

By Jason Huffman

The decision prolongs a US requirement for Mexican seafood to be certified as having been sourced in a way that did not involve the use of gillnets in the Gulf of California

Asia Nov. 29, 2018 5:58 PM
Indonesia fisheries minister: Widodo’s ‘Industry 4.0’ is a challenge for aquaculture

'Industry 4.0 is certainly a new arena and a challenge for the aquaculture sub-sector' -- Slamet Soebjakto, Indonesia's Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Salmonid Nov. 29, 2018 4:47 PM
Atlantic Sapphire puts first 400,000 salmon eggs into Miami RAS facility 

An additional 400,000 eggs are scheduled for next week, the company said 

(2017 results)

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