Latin America May 31, 2023 10:09 AM
Offshore kanpachi farming startup on track for 2,500t in year one

Forever Oceans, now raising kanpachi -- a yellowtail species -- off the Pacific coast of Panama, has grown tenfold since it started operating in August 2022

Offshore May 24, 2023 4:17 PM
Innovasea aids in Aruba approval for country’s first open ocean red snapper farm

US-based aquaculture and fish tracking tech firm Innovasea helped new aquaculture company Petros secure government approval for Aruba's first open ocean fish farm

Salmonid May 18, 2023 9:50 AM
Pareto: Profits, demand to boost salmon tech investments in spite of looming tax

By María Feijóo

'Even with high capex, profit margins for salmon farmers today are sufficient to drive investments in new technologies and with salmon prices remaining high, we are optimistic this will come to pass' -- Carl-Emil Johannessen, Pareto Securities

Policy May 3, 2023 5:01 PM
Fabrication begins for new wind farm off US Atlantic coast

Onshore fabrication work has begun for a new wind farm off the coast of the US state of Rhode Island

Atlantic salmon May 2, 2023 10:32 AM
Chinese offshore farm Deep Blue 1 harvests 3,000 salmon

By Lewis Hu

An offshore pen in China's Yellow Sea harvested 3,000 Atlantic salmon, which achieved an average weight of five kilos, local media reports

Lobster April 28, 2023 4:51 PM
US lawmaker’s tweet points to politics around whale deaths

By Jason Huffman

'Republicans are using offshore wind as a scapegoat for marine animal deaths. But the real culprit is climate change -- which, by the way, is driven by fossil fuels' -- US representative Jared Huffman

Seafood entrepreneurs April 21, 2023 4:11 PM
Cooke menhaden supplier Ocean Harvesters agrees to fishing restrictions in Chesapeake Bay

MOU between Ocean Harvesters and the state of Virginia limits times and places its purse seiners can fish the bay

Asia April 20, 2023 6:11 PM
Vietnam tech platform Tepbac raises $2.25m in pre-series A funding round

The company hopes to use the money to help it digitize and scale Vietnamese shrimp farm production

Trade April 20, 2023 5:16 PM
Another Maine coalition formed to push for finfish farm biomass, stocking density limits

Maine's lack of finfish farm regulations is 'a weakness that puts our environment and coastal communities at risk' -- Maine Finfish Alliance

China April 19, 2023 10:24 AM
Chinese wind turbine manufacturer to add fish cage to new design

Mingyang Smart Energy, China's largest private wind turbine maker, has designed an offshore wind turbine foundation that features a net pen for fish farming

(1064 results)

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