The data presented here is provided as an indication of price trends --
as well as volume, where available -- for the world's most widely traded
seafood commodities.
Please send all feedback to: prices@undercurrentnews.com
How often is the data updated?
This varies widely across products.
Some datasets are updated daily or weekly, within just a few days of
trading. Others have a longer lag, meaning there could be a few weeks or
even longer between the time of trading and us getting the data.
Finally, highly seasonal datasets such as the Alaska salmon prices are
updated only a few times a year, and have several months' time lag.
For maximum clarity, we indicate in the Product Details section when a
dataset was last updated. If you have any questions about a particular
product's schedule, please contact us (see Feedback section at the
bottom of this FAQ).
Currencies & exchange rates
The currency of each dataset varies depending on the source. Often,
export or auction prices will be in the local currency, such as for our
datasets of shrimp from India, Thailand and Vietnam.
If the prices we receive are in a different currency than USD, you'll
see an option to convert to USD. This is done using exchange rates from
the European Central Bank.
The rates are averaged out over the period concerned. For instance: the
USD to EUR exchange rate for Week 1, 2020 will be the average of the
daily exchange rate between those two currencies for that entire week.
What does premium access provide?
Only premium subscribers will see all our prices and volumes for each
product. So if you're not a premium subscriber, you will need to upgrade
to premium.
How much historical data we have varies from product to product, with
some going back as far as 1980.
In the Product Details section, check out the "Range" to see how much
data we have for a particular product.
Where does the data come from?
The methodology differs depending on the datasets and each chart
description will state the data's provenance. Overall, we pool our
information from a variety of sources, which chiefly fall into the
following categories:
- public organizations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization,
the Alaska Department of Fish & Game or NOAA
- industry bodies and auctions, such as FishPool, the Buyers and
Sellers Exchange, or Aquaconnect
- private sources, usually buyers or sellers at major companies whom
we canvass on a regular basis for the latest prices movements
Why are there gaps in the data?
Gaps in data usually indicate a lack of trading, or missing information,
for that particular period. Some products such as fresh wild salmon are
particularly prone to seasonal fluctuations.
Can I download the data?
Nearly all our datasets are available to download -- look out for the
excel icon above the chart to see if the one you're after can be
Corporate group subscribers get a 75% discount, excluding on the admin
For more details including enquiries about regular or bulk downloads,
please contact us (see Feedback section at the bottom of this FAQ).
For any questions, feedback on how we could improve or if you'd like to
get involved, contact us: prices@undercurrentnews.com