
Pacific cod prices

Track Pacific cod prices starting from 2002 to 2024. To view prices for other seafood commodities, Start tracking prices

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Our data is pulled together from a variety of sources, including public sources and individual buyers or sellers who have helpfully offered to share their information with us.

We strive to have as many sources as possible per product and to vary the nature of our sources by including where possible information from both large and smaller buyers and sellers (preferably producers) from the main buying and selling countries.


The sole purpose of this page is to give an indication of the broad price trends of major seafood commodities.

Due to the nature of seafood trading, obtaining an exact price per product is near impossible as prices will vary depending on their origin, type, quality, size, seller and a myriad of other factors.

The data is therefore not meant to be used for trading purposes and we take no responsibility for any decision that may be based upon them.

Pacific cod: Latest prices

CommodityOriginProduct formLatest priceLast updated
Cod from the US, Frozen, EUMOFAUSFrozen September 9th, 2024
Pacific cod, frozen fillet in pack, processed, monthly, ToyosuJapanFrozen August 30th, 2024
Pacific cod, fresh, monthly, ToyosuJapanFresh August 30th, 2024
Pacific cod, salted, fresh, monthly, ToyosuJapanFresh August 30th, 2024
Pacific cod, dried split hirahiboshi, processed, monthly, ToyosuJapanProcessed August 30th, 2024
Pacific cod, salted and dried sukimitra, processed, monthly, ToyosuJapanProcessed August 30th, 2024
Pacific cod, dried, processed, monthly, ToyosuJapanProcessed August 30th, 2024

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