Executive Director
Company Name | Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute |
Application Deadline | January 18, 2019 |
Location | Juneau, United States |
Date Posted | December 13, 2018 |
Job Type |
Category |
Sales and Marketing
Job description
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI), Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development (DCCED) State of Alaska is hiring for the Executive Director position.
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute is a marketing organization with the mission of increasing the economic value of the Alaska seafood resource through:
- Increasing positive awareness of the Alaska Seafood brand
- Collaborative marketing programs that align ASMI and industry marketing efforts for maximum impact within the food industry
- Long-term proactive marketing planning
- Quality assurance, technical industry analysis, education, advocacy and research
- Prudent, efficient fiscal management
The ideal candidate for the Executive Director (ED) position will have strong management skills with experience running successful results oriented programs and organizations. This person must be able to interact positively and effectively with a cross section of senior Alaska Seafood industry, state, federal and local officials, press, and Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (eNGO’s). Strong budget management skills are needed along with experience in developing effective strategic plans. A background in fisheries or fishery related activity, and experience working with the legislature or state and federal agencies is highly desired. Business development, brand management, or marketing experience is preferable but not essential to be considered for this position. Grant experience is also advantageous, but not required. Strong public speaking and writing skills are essential, as are problem solving and decision making skills. Diplomacy is important to this position’s success. This position manages a staff of 20 in the organization, seven of these positions are direct reports. The ASMI office is located in Juneau, Alaska. Travel is required to both international and domestic venues.
Responsibilities for this position include:
- Responsible for anticipating future agency needs and creating strategic plans to meet them. Recognizing potential risks and develop strategies to avert risks. Design, organize and carry out programs to meet policy directives.
- Responsible for working with the ASMI Board of Directors to carry out ASMI’s mission and to promote positive market development.
- Create a leadership climate providing challenge and motivation so employees may achieve high performances.
- Works with the State of Alaska Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development (DCCED) and the Governor’s office to develop annual ASMI budgets for submission to the Alaska Legislature. Oversees the timely completion of annual reports and annual management plans, ensuring that ASMI goals and objectives are annually updated.
- Maintain a high level of contact with the fishing industry and responds to the public’s needs about available ASMI resources and programs.
- Maintain effective communications with the Board, public and staff.
- Represents ASMI before the Alaska Legislature and maintains a high level of contact with state legislators both during session (in Juneau) and year-round (statewide). Provide regular one-on-one briefings to key legislators involved in fisheries poilcy in addition to providing testimony at committee hearings involving issues where ASMI plays an active role.
- Represents ASMI before other governmental bodies, which may include but are not limited to: legislators in other states, the U.S. Congress, federal officials and fishing organizations. Represent ASMI in public and international forums.
- Exercises leadership and effective participation at board meetings and oversees all ASMI committees providing interface with board direction, administrative support and guidance in the performance of their duties.
- Oversees a total budget of $15- $22 million. Determines priorities and staffing levels ensuring spending does not exceed the allocated budget. Manages budget increases and decreases as necessary and provides the Board with longer-term budget projections to guide their decision-making.
- As directed by the Board, actively pursues other funding sources to maintain adequate operating budget levels.
- Performs well under pressure, including uncertain or unstructured situations.
- Applicant must have a legal right to accept employment in the United States.
Minimum Qualifications - A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college and professional experience in a senior management position.
The ideal candidate will possess the following characteristics:
- Demonstrates the highest level of honesty and integrity.
- Accepts and responds well to constructive criticism.
- Demonstrates loyalty to decisions and direction of the Board while staying within the State of Alaska policies, statutes and regulations.
- Performs well under pressure, including uncertain or unstructured situations.
- Reflects enthusiasm and expends personal energy in fulfilling duties as Executive Director.
- Maintains objectivity and impartiality in making decisions and presenting recommendations to the board.
- Demonstrates an open mind and able to appreciate and listen all points of view before making an informed decision.
This position is a State of Alaska Executive Exempt (XE) range 28, Step F which equates to approximately a salary of $133,620 and a benefits package of $64,060.
Please submit cover letter, resume, a writing sample, and three (3) references to [email protected]. Your cover letter must identify how you meet the minimum qualifications as well as address your knowledge, skills and abilities as they relate to the position responsibilities as outlined above. Please submit a writing sample in addition to your cover letter. Your application in total will be used to help determine which applicants will advance to the interview phase.
Applications must be received by 3 PM AKDT Friday, January 18, 2019.
ASMI is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer. ASMI is a state corporation established by law in Alaska statute Sec. 16.51.010: The institute is a public corporation of the state of Alaska. It is an instrumentality of the state in the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, but has a legal existence independent of and separate from the state. Exercise by the institute of the powers conferred by this chapter is an essential government function of the state.